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Laboratórium spoločnosti ANTIK Telecom sa zaoberá výskumom a vývojom technológií pre digitálne spracovanie obrazu, ako aj iných technológií pre telekomunikačný priemysel. Sesterská spoločnosť ANTIK Technology sa venuje vývoju, výrobe a distribúcii hi-tech zariadení pre digitálnu televíziu, ktoré využívajú operátori na štyroch kontinentoch.

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I have purchased a box from this website and it was shipped on time with no delay, however it was not what I expected so I wanted to return it . After explaining the reason to them as there was no issue with the box but I found it hard and too advanced for me and my kids; they accepted the return with no hassle . Very professional and responsive. I was following up with the return process to make sure they get the package and whenever I have a question or doubt; they assured me and answered all my questions . They are really responsive. I really recommend this website , one of the best company I dealt with.

Abubaker Baomar, 10 months ago

Zdravim ..Dakujem za rychle dodanie som velmy spokojny..Budem odporucat kazdemu ..Dakujem a este ras sa ospravedlnujem

Peter Cirner, 3 months ago

Best customer support I have ever received! Thank you kindly!!!

Andreas Mouskos, 2 months ago

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